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PTA Membership


Sonoma Mountain Charter PTA’s goal is to make our school a great place for learning. We work hard to raise money through various fundraisers to help support the programs and activities that enrich our children’s lives. We also strive to build a strong community. Our community has made our school one that you can be proud to send your child to. Support our children and their teachers by joining the Sonoma Mountain Charter PTA. 

For the small fee of $12.00 per person, anyone can become a PTA member: parents, students, grandparents, friends, etc… Membership entitles you to have a say in how Sonoma Mountain Charter PTA money is allocated while also having voting privileges at PTA meetings. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday of every month at 7:00 pm. We would love to see you there, but it is not mandatory.

(Donations beyond the $12.00 fee directly benefit your child and our school. Please consider a tax-deductible donation to our PTA today ~ thank you!)

PTA also means exclusive extra perks and savings for YOU!

Aquarium of the Pacific ~ Comcast ~ Enterprise Rental Car~ JourneyEd ~ LegoLand & Sea Life Aquarium~ Sylvan Learning ~ Staples ~ TeenSafe ~ True Car ~ VolunteerSpot ~ Via Heart Project 

Learn more at

Click the Mountain Lion to join today

Sonoma Mountain Elementary Charter School

 pick up a PTA registration envelope in the office and return it to school or use our QR code.

Join PTA QR Code


If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate contacting Sarah Nelson at